Sunday, August 23, 2015


For the most part, the impact of historical events is the same as our world. However, the method and/or outcome are slightly different. Such events include Princess Diana becoming permanently crippled instead of dying in the car accident, the 9/11 terrorists ramming the plane into the Statue of Liberty, President Lincoln was in fact a vampire slayer, and Adolf Hitler sold his soul for artistic prowess which allowed a demon to possess him for the purpose of gathering more souls. Significant changes in this world’s history compared to ours include these few events: Barrack Obama being assassinated a few weeks into his presidency; Joan d’Arc surviving her conflagration (big destructive fire for the layman) and being knighted by King Charles VII; Rasputin escaped before the fatal gunshot, went into hiding, repeated his dastardly deeds throughout history, eventually coming to the states and going by the name "Charles Manson" before being killed in his would be arrest. While the biggest difference between our worlds is that the Mayan prophecy for December 12, 2012 came true. Like it has in the past multiple times, the planet’s geomagnetic poles reversed, which became known as the Atlas Reversal event. This reversal caused massive global damage. Its destruction was further exacerbated by the release of Jormungand to catalyze the creation of this new world. Now most people think an apocalypse means the literal end of the world, but what it really means is the end of the world as we know it, i.e. the world continues but after a great revelation has occurred. So what could possibly be a great revelation in this day and age? Multifaceted is the answer to this question for not just one but several revelations were brought to light. Humanity discovered that the lost continent of Atlantis existed when it resurfaced, that we are not alone in the universe when irrefutable proof was unearthed, that the Cosmic Surge irradiated our momentarily unprotected planet causing the small posthuman population to proliferate, and that our gods and goddesses are in fact real living beings.

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